Best In Grass

Putting The Power Back Into The People’s Hands

What is the Best In Grass Cannabis Competition?

  • Background

    The Best in Grass (BiG) Awards are born from a combined 12 years of experience running the world’s largest cannabis competitions. The competitions serve to identify and award the best licensed cannabis products in each state. The following categories are included:

    1. Indica Flower (2 entries max per Company, 40 Slots)

    2. Sativa Flower (2 entries max per Company, 40 Slots)

    3. Hybrid Flower (2 entries max per Company, 40 Slots)

    4. Infused Flower/Moon Rocks (1 entry max per Company, 7 Slots)

    5. Non-Infused Pre-Rolls (2 entries max per Company, 23 slots)

    6. Solvent Infused Pre-Rolls (1 entry per Company, 7 slots)

    7. Non-Solvent Infused Pre-Rolls (1 entry per Company, 7 slots)

    8. Solvent Concentrates (1 entry per Company, 15 slots)

    9. Non-Solvent Concentrates (1 entry per Company, 15 slots)

    10. Rosin Vape Pens & Cartridges (1 entry per Company, 15 slots)

    11. Non-Rosin Vape Pens & Cartridges (1 entry per Company, 15 slots)

    12. Edibles: Gummies & Fruit Chews (1 entry per Company, 14 slots)

    13. Edibles: Chocolates & Non-Gummies (No Liquids) (1 entry per Company, 14 slots)

    14. Syrups and Beverages (2 entries Max per Company, 7 slots)

    *(50) Judge Kits of each Flower category plus (50) Non-Solvent Concentrates will be Collector’s Judge Kits with special Best in Grass Bags and surprise gifts.

  • Framework

    Cultivators and processors will submit their best products into the competition, the BiG team will create one-of-a-kind Judge Kits to be distributed by dispensaries across the state, and real everyday consumers will anonymously judge all products at home over 4-8 weeks. All of this feedback will go back to the entrants as a value add.

    Best of all, the competitors, judges, and brands will celebrate in-person at a LIVE event where the winners will be crowned. This is a sampling dream for brands to get products into the hands of hundreds of new customers who will provide feedback on the brands entries, plus thousands of impressions. Judges will follow the following criteria:

    Flower, Pre-Rolls, Vape Pens & Concentrates will be judged on the following criteria, on a scale from 1-10 with 10 being the most favorable:

    1. Visual Appeal

    2. Aroma

    3. Taste/Flavor Profile

    4. Effects

    5. Would you recommend this product to a friend?

    Edibles, Syrups and Beverages will be judged on the following criteria, on a scale from 1-10 with 10 being the most favorable:

    1. Packaging & Labeling

    2. Visual Appeal of the actual product

    3. Taste/Flavor Profile

    4. Effects

    5. Would you recommend this product to a friend?

    *Judging Criteria is subject to change as we learn from brand and customer feedback. We are here to listen and improve, so brands find the most value from this data.

  • Previous & On Going Competitions


    Winners announced in June


    Kits went live 7/20/2024

    Judging Deadline 9/22/2024

    Winners announced 10/8/2024 at live event @ The Enclave


    Kits go live 8/10/2024

    Judging Deadline 10/13/2024

    Winners announced 10/29/2024

  • Upcoming Competitions

    Rhode Island

    September, 2024

    New Mexico

    October, 2024


    November, 2024

    Want to reach out directly to ask about plans for your state? Click Here


I first met Mark Kazinec in November of 2023 and we immediately hit it off with our passion for events, entertainment, community and cannabis. At the time Mark was running the High Times Cannabis Cups for the past 7 years, which gave me an opportunity to learn more about the compliance, regulations and hurdles of the cannabis event space. When Mark, Joey Posney, Jason Quinn and the rest of the team announced Best In Grass in February of 2024, I immediately told Mark I want to be involved in any capacity possible. In doing so, I currently work with Best In Grass as an evangelist and leverage my network to help facilitate packing needs, bring in new brands for competitions, and secure intake & retail partners.